
The Piedmont Governor’s School will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research for the purpose of approving the school budget for 2024-2025 FY.
The Meeting will take place at 2:30 p.m.

A copy of the proposed budget can be found here.

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a journey of

  • Discovery
  • Discovery
  • What You Will Encounter Along the Journey

    In a differentiated environment, effective and purposeful assessment is crucial! Students can expect focused assignments based on content and concepts central to individual courses, timely and meaningful feedback, opportunities to share their unique views and perspectives, and support both in and outside the classroom.
    A positive atmosphere, combined with consistent parent communication, provides a foundation dedicated to student success…no matter the destination.

  • Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Application to the Real World is Key to the PGSMST Vision

    “Life does not exist in a vacuum.” This concept – meaning that life cannot be conducted without connections to other people and events, forms the cornerstone of the PGSMST philosophy. Knowledge gained within the walls of the PGSMST classrooms must be energized through application to the lives and worlds of the students themselves. Calculus and statistics concepts, scientific formulas and theories, research terminologies and formatting guidelines all play a role in preparing students to face the real “mysteries” of life…and to move past them into a world of their own.